In that mythical period before the internet, I stumbled on
an interesting book called, Firearms Curiosa [1] and found an
item on page 260 that looked like a joke or something out of a Monty Python Victorian
cut-up animation. It was Albert Bacon
Pratt’s hat helmet with a patent drawing of the bespiked chapeau sporting a gun
barrel above the visor.
My original copy of the book was lost during the storm
(Hurricane Katrina) and a few years later I required another copy for some
research on a belt buckle pistol that I had previously seen in its pages, but
that’s another story. After I turned up
the information I was originally seeking in Firearms Curiosa, I
reacquainted myself with the peculiar weapons depicted and saw familiar image;
dear Mr. Pratt’s Hat Gun. Since it
handily had the patent number. I could
look up that patent online and read in full the details of this amusing head
cover. Thank you, Mr. Winant for your
thoroughness in writing a most interesting book sixty years ago.
With a bit of research not only did I turn up the original
patent drawings of the hat gun and the legal description of the intricacies and
eccentricities of the hat, but equally exciting, I found the patent for the
automatic pistol itself, which sat inside the armored hat. With a bit more poking around, I found that
Mr. Pratt also patented a few other objects as well as a handy sliding stock
for rifles. It’s the only thing he
patented that was practical and still usable today. The M16/AR15 collapsing stock is pretty much along the same
concept as his, although it was only adopted by the military a half century or
more afterward.[2] The rest
of the stuff ranged from amusing to impractical, as with most patents.
But let’s get back to that hat. The forms for patenting Mr. Pratt’s Wonderful Hat were filed on
14 July 1915, which was before America itself got involved in The War to End
All Wars and it was eventually approved by the US Patent Office on 16 May
1916. America went to war thanks to
Congress’ declaration, 6 April 1917, armed with a number of useful patents and
inventions, but Mr. Pratt’s Wonderful Hat is not among them.[3]
The hat is both a sun helmet as well as an armored gun port
with a fixed handgun-sized semiautomatic pistol ensconced in the crown. What appears to be a cannon barrel
protruding in the hat in the illustration is in fact a semi shroud over the gun
barrel itself. The bottom portion of
the barrel shroud is open. The handy
hat also has a generous bill fore and aft, which is not a bad thing in itself,
shedding sun and rain. The chinstrap is
a pretty conventional set of buckled armored scales often seen on metal cavalry
helmets of the 19th century.
A secure chin strap also necessary when firing the gun to keep the hat
from flying backwards off the head.
Alongside the left chin scales is the trigger for the
gun. It a pneumatic tube, which can
fire the gun with a simple puff of air. The pneumatic trigger to fire the gun
was activated by blowing into a rubber tube possibly takes some inspiration
from the pneumatic
squeeze bulbs used to operate cameras, if so it’s on solid historical
ground. This allows the gun to be fired
hands-free, which is a salient point in the patent text. Aiming the hat gun is performed by simply
turning the head and looking at the target.
For pinpoint accuracy a flip down sight is included which is housed
inside the barrel shroud when not needed.
Who could ask for more convenience a century ago? Before weapons computers, there was the
brain! You need only look, puff and
fire. The auto pistol loads a new round
into the chamber and you are ready for action.
Pratt also patented the special gun that resides in the
hat. It’s basically an automatic pistol
with a lateral magazine. I’m not sure
what happens to the hot brass extracted from the gun, but I hope it doesn’t
fall down the collar of the intrepid hatketeer (musketeer) as he might be
christened. That clever gun is has
patent number US 1323609 A, filed on 15 May 1916 but
not granted until 2 Dec 1919, well after the war was over. Ah well, it’s our loss.

The gun can be removed from its bed on the lower section for
cleaning or service quickly by rotating a toggle that lies quite near the
charging handle. I don’t think the gun
was ever tried out nor has a patent model ever surfaced. It’s a shame, because the thing would make
an amusing Youtube video.
The top of the hat functions as an armored helmet, which was
just beginning to coming into vogue in the trenches of WWI due to shrapnel
injuries. The top of the hat can be
removed by pressing spring held latches, which release that section. The upper metal portion also has the handy
feature of being used as a cooking pot as per the patent description. The handy spike can be struck into the
ground to hold the pan above a fire and the barrel shroud makes a handle. The gun mechanism itself would be left
behind and would remain in the bottom half of the hat and did not partake of
the stew. In fact, in a cooking
emergency, the bottom of the hat, with the gun could remain on the head and
fired at an enemy without interrupting your cooking!
Back to that fancy spike on top of the hat, which is type
that graced the famous pickelhaubes
of the Germans for decades. But keep in
mind that Teutonic spike also had appeared on the apex of American military
hats as well.[4] In fact the
shape of Mr. Pratt’s hat is fairly close in outline to British military pith helmets such as the
Bengal Lancer pattern, which on occasion could sport a spike as well. You might take a look at my previous post on
pith helmets if you have an interest on their history. http://coastconfan.blogspot.com/2012/06/pith-helmets-sun-helmets-and-sola.html
In considering Mr. Pratt’s Gun Hat, I don’t think much of
having an army of hat gunners who point their weapons at the person they are
looking at. Imagine in formation: “Fall
in, dress right dress, atten-shun .. eh .. eyes right, no sneezing in the
ranks”! Yes it could get quite dicey in
some situations. I think I’ll leave the
hat gun for another war and another time.
Although they might have been useful for a bicycle corps, which
at one time had a vogue among the military, especially in Europe.
I hope you enjoyed this article as much as I had reading and
researching about Mr. Pratt’s Hat Gun.
I added some cleaned up and modified patent drawings to illustrate some
of the operating points of the hat and the gun. Hopefully it should be clear up any questions the reader may
have. If you know if there was a patent model produced or you know where the
model is located, let me know and I’ll add that information to the blog
[1] The hat gun is mentioned in Firearms
Curiosa, 1955, page 260, by Lewis Winant, published by Bonanza Books,
NY. The book is still reasonably priced
from used book dealers.
[2] Patent number US 1191460
[3] Also not among them was the Wright Brother’s patent for
safely controlling aircraft with ailerons. The government didn’t want to pay them
anything, so war-bound US aircraft were shipped up to Canada and the US
patented bits were added there, prior to shipment to the front. Military authorities also were not much
interested in the Lewis Gun
(due to politics), which was invented by US Army Colonel Isaac Newton Lewis in
1911, based on previous work by Samuel Maclean. But the Brits loved it and it became one of the practical first
man-portable machine guns. It was used
from WWI through WWII and years beyond.
The US did make a few on their own, but seemed largely disinterested
after the Browning Automatic Rifle came out.
[4] American sun helmet Models 1880/1887/1889 and the 1902
sun helmet most of which had optional spike
Links of Interest
25th Infantry Bicycle Corps was an
African-American military unit at the end of the Victorian era. http://www.historynet.com/us-armys-25th-infantry-bicycle-corps-wheels-of-war.htm
Military Folding Bicycles at CoastConFan Blog http://coastconfan.blogspot.com/2012/11/military-folding-bicycles-and.html
The Wright Brother’s aircraft patent problems https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wright_brothers_patent_war
Very interesting article Mr Coastcon :)
ReplyDeleteI remember reading this (or hearing, can't quite recall now) from the author Bill Bryson. Be commented that the creator had simultaneously discovered whiplash :D
I think the invention had some merit, but it would have proven, as you mentioned, to be impractical in the field. Still, it would have been "fun" to see it on action.
Thanks again for the great read :)
You’re right that there is indeed merit to the concept. For example, the Modern Heads Up Display (HUD) integral with a helmet/mask is one of those ideas that has come to stay. An eye directed targeting laser is another. Rather than firing a weapon on the helmet, the laser can direct artillery fire, aircraft strikes or missiles from different locations to a target. The integrated battlefield also ties all those helmets together in a way never envisioned my Mr. Pratt. Thank you for your comment Mr. Papafakis, I am constrained by space to give the text to the two patents, but they are worth a read to people with a mechanical bent.
ReplyDeleteI was thinking an amusing experimental simulacrum of Mr.Pratt’s idea might be created using off-the-shelf components such as an old Ruger .22 pistol laid on its side and attached to an old metal helmet with a standard cable system to fire the gun. In this experiment, you can make work the cable end into something that you could bite down on to fire the fun. You can discard the old optical site and update with a laser for aiming. For just a few dollars, you too can have a gun hat. It would be wiser and cheaper to stick with a .22 rather than moving up to an Automag – and better on your neck! Happy reading and happy shooting..
nice i just needed it for school THX. (dont worry i citated your work)