Now here’s a good old-fashioned science fiction Christmas
carol, performed on Christmas Eve (on Earth) 2013. Originally performed at a company Christmas party back in 2008, but it was written way before the movie of the same name.

The children are sliding down the sand dunes
While the robots trim the tree.Both moons sparkle up above us
And the eggnog pills are free...

Though our spaceships travel
Out among the stars,
We're snuggled at home:
It's Christmas on Mars.
There's holiday cheer
In the oxygen bars.
It's that time again:
It's Christmas on Mars.
The energy blobs
Wheel and bob
In the town promenade.
Let's raise a cheer
For the Laser Brigade!
While the fresh-grown Snow Clones
Serve warp-berry pie
And the zeppelins soar
In the pink winter sky...
(Spoken:) "Wait, zeppelins?!" (I hear you
thinking.) "Zeppelins could never
float in the thin Martian atmosphere!" Ah, but what you're forgetting is that these a
re future zeppelinspowered by advanced Martian anti-gravity technology!
float in the thin Martian atmosphere!" Ah, but what you're forgetting is that these a
re future zeppelinspowered by advanced Martian anti-gravity technology!
(Sung:) That's why they can fly!
Beam the festive gamma rays!
Crash the comets to amaze
The Old Ones!
Sled through the magnetosphere!
Chestnuts and ammonia beer!
Gone, the worries! Disappear,
The doldrums!
(Chorus x 2)
Christmas on Mars!

I hope you enjoy this fun filksong from an old-time fan and
CoastCon supporter, Michael Sanborn.
Sorry he didn’t make it back this year for the holidays.
Sprinkled through this post are just some of the many books
inspired by Mars exploration. Happy
reading this holiday.
Update: I finally got the corrected lyrics for Christmas on Mars. Sorry for any errors, but I blame solar flares for the garbled transmission!
Update: I finally got the corrected lyrics for Christmas on Mars. Sorry for any errors, but I blame solar flares for the garbled transmission!
Links of interest to the reader
Mars has always been of interest to Earth people https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_Mars_observation
Mars has spawned a lot of fiction over the years https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mars_in_fiction and
The Planet Mars by William Sheehan , readable on line http://www.uapress.arizona.edu/onlinebks/MARS/CONTENTS.HTM
A copy of the script for the Orson Wells radio presentation
of War of the Worlds 30 Oct 1938 http://www.sacred-texts.com/ufo/mars/wow.htm
Project Gutenberg has a variety of free, out of copyright
books you can download in a variety of electronic formats. With a little bit of searching, you can turn
up some interesting books there https://www.gutenberg.org/