Ever have a guy that wants to use his “personal lucky dice”
for a game and when he does he makes his roll every time? How about the gamer who had a “special” way
to hold dice so he wins consistently or the guy that rolls wildly so that he
hits “dead” dice that were already thrown to change the outcome? Everybody who has gamed has seen this
problem player.
The ancient Greeks and Romans had a partial cure for this
abuse in the
which was a dice box or dice cup.
best way from keeping somebody from using slight of hand or using English (if
you will) on the dice throw was to put the dice into a cup and shake them
Keep in mind that these “boxes”
were generally cylindrical, so don’t let prejudice lead you to think that all
dice boxes are square, in fact they were generally circular like a cup or bowl
In fact a common shape for the
fritillus was one that looked a like a long cylinder and it was called a
some tapering slightly to the mouth.
help matters, some of these dice cups had grooves inside to help agitate the
dice for greater randomness while shaking them up.

An amusing recurring theme from the film,
Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum (1966) was the slave
Pseudolus, who cheated at dice constantly even when using a dice box, because
he has his personal turricula rigged for cheating.
The dice box, however, was a useful curb on cheating as
Martial, the first century
Roman poet wrote in the
Tabula Lussora, saying of the use of the
fritillus or turricula:
scit compositos manus inproba mittere talos,
si per me misit, nil nisi vota
the cheating hand, that knows how to arrange and
throw the dice, has thrown
them through me, he will
achieve nothing beyond prayers.
Now the ultimate cure for cheating dicers of all types was
created by the Romans and it was the
pyrgus, which was a
hands-free dice rolling device we call a dice tower.
This clever device had baffles inside to mix up the dice as they
descended by gravity and then they rolled down a stair, randomizing them even
more to obtain fair throw.
Additionally, some pyrguii had little courtyards or enclosures at the
base to keep the dice that tumbled down the tower from rolling out father into
the play area.
Remember back when you
were gaming and you had players throwing dice into a box top to keep them
constrained when some gamers were notorious wild throwers.
This courtyard was the ancient cure for
enthusiastic or wild throws.
wants their miniatures knocked about by errant dice.
There are only a couple of intact dice towers found to date,
one is wood and the other is made of metal, a copper alloy.
I suspect that there were once a large number of wooden dice towers, but
all that exists of these now of these are some bone inlay as the wood has long deteriorated with
age [1] .
Here’s an article with a contemporary Roman era quote from
letters of
Apollinaris that cites the use of the pyrgus:
The pyrgus was a dice-box,
usually wooden and shaped like a tower with inlaid steps, which was used to cast
the three dice. Because the various references in Latin literature are sketchy,
. . . but in another letter Sidonius [Apollinaris] clearly makes reference to
the fact that tabula
used a board, bicolored playing pieces, and dice:
there await you a couch built with cushions, a tabula board laid out with
bicolored stones, and dice ready to fly from the ivory steps of the pyrgus.’
Discovered in 1985, some 30 years ago, this amazing metal prygus
shown was found in what is now modern Germany near the villages of
for which this dice tower was named.
This outstanding metal prygus, made from a copper alloy and now resides at the Reinisches Landesmuseum
at Bonn, Germany.

The dice tower was found near the remains of a Roman villa
located 25 miles southwest of
which was then called Colonial in ancient times and was the capital of the
Roman province of
The site is also about 20
miles straight due west of modern
which was once ancient Bonna.
It had a
major Roman military complex called Castra Bonnesis, housing a large, permanent military
presence to guard the west bank of the Rhine.
The Legio I Minerva was stationed at Castra Bonnesis from 82 to 359 CE. Previously it was manned by the Legio I Germanica, which was disbanded in 70 CE for cowardice during the Batavi Revolt.
You’ll note this metal dice tower
has a inscription on the front which translates:
The Picts are defeated
The enemy is destroyed
Play in safety
The sides and back has only a
single inscription repeated:
Use it and live lucky.
Clearly the
reference on the tower suggests it was owned at some time by a Legionaire or officer who
served on the frontier against the Picts, possibly at one of the forts on
Hadrian’s Wall.
Who knows how long it
was used and changed hands until it was carefully hidden away in its box in the
waning years of the Roman presence in Germania, 400 miles from
Hadrian’s Wall,
having crossed the channel from the British Isles.
Given the proximity of its final resting place near a villa
to the Roman super-fort on the Rhine, my guess is that the dice tower
with its military reference had a closer association with Castra Bonnesis or was owned by a retired officer who was given land in Germania as reward for service. Then again, it might have been won in a dice game.
The photo above is of the original restored artifact prygus. Note that it originally had
three bells (only one now exists) which would ring when struck by a die on exiting. You’ll also
notice that the dice tower has a lot of perforations much like lattice work on
a wooden on a Roman window lattice. I
suspect that this is a form of gaming transparency to show that the same set of
dice that entered the tower have run the course and exited. Since the dice tower was an anti-cheater
device, this extra step of showing that the dice box was not rigged and it was
used in a fair game. That may seem a
bit excessive, but remember the rigged fritillus in A Funny Thing
Happened on the Way to the Forum and the period references to cheating at
dice cited in this blog entry.
I suspect the most common dice towers were more than likely
wood, probably with bone or ivory inlay according to taste and pocketbook.
But it’s not beyond the realm for a really
wealthy person to have one in silver or even gold, but given the chances of one
in precious metal surviving being melted down would be pretty slim.
About the only material that probably wasn’t
used in a dice tower is terracotta as there have been no fragments found.
Although there are only two identified,
complete dice towers discovered, the one in Germany and the other in Egypt
(probably Ptolemaic or Roman era) housed at the
Egyptian Museum in Cairo
Archeologist R. E. Cobbett suggests that decorative bone
fragments found at the
Richborough Roman fort in the UK are fragmentary remains
of a wooden dice tower used in ancient Britain

Here is an article in Portuguese about a new find, which may
prove to be
portion of another metal dice tower.
If so, it would be only the second metal prygus known to date.
My Portuguese is very poor, so I leave it to
a reader to help me with a translation and maybe some additional information on
this new find.
In the past few decades Roman style dice towers have made a
small comeback with gamers and they can be seen on occasion. Some are of new design and others are quite
good reproduction of the originals.
Amusingly there are even some made of Legos. If you Google around a bit on the internet, you’ll turn them
up. Check out the links at the end of
the post for some that I found. Check out the photo at the very end of the post of an outstanding reproduction of the Vettweiss-Froitzheim pyrgus. Kudos (κῦδος) Steven!
Anyway, I hope this post about dicing cheats wasn’t too dry
or esoteric. I just wanted to give a
brief overview of early devices to curb dice fudging and cheating, which is
something I know you gamers out there have experienced over the years. I really enjoy the historical context of
games and eventually I want to make a post about just the dice themselves, but
I felt it would make this post over long.
Happy gaming!
[1] Article from
Britannia, A Journal of Romano-British and Kindred Studies, Vol XXXIX, 2008,
Pgs 219-235, R. E. Cobbett: A Dice
Tower from Richborough. This article
shows a suggested reconstruction of a dice tower from bone fragment decoration
found at an archeological dig.
[2] Other than a
very old photogravure from an unknown publication showing this wooden Egyptian
dice tower, I can’t find any recent information or images.
I suspect it may not be on display
anywhere, but in storage.
Hopefully a reader will help
me out with a better photo and more information about where it was found &
I really hope it wasn’t destroyed
in the recent round of looting by
cultural barbarians.
Additional notes:
The famous image shown at the start of the article of two Greek soldiers playing a board
game on an amphora shaped vase is attributed to the Athenian painter
circa 540 BCE showing Achilles and Ajax sitting down playing a game during the
siege of Troy.
Mind you, this
particular vase was painted a thousand years after the famous siege.
Although anachronistically depicted in armor
of a type dating thousand years after the
Siege of Troy, it shows the popularity
of board games and dice even at an early time.
This vase (#344) now resides in the Vatican Museum.
Links of interest:
An article about the Richborough dice tower find
The Earlyworks blog has a nice reproduction of the metal
Vettweiss-Froitzheim dice tower made by Steve Wagstaff
See the article, Literate Games: Roman Urban Society and the Game of Alea
Even more links about Roman games
Repro dice tower by Steve Wagstaff |
A German article on gaming with both dice towers shown.
A modern laser cut dice tower for sale http://danbecker.info/games/articles/FlyingTricycleTower.html