Day is the day we honor our nation’s veterans, but it’s a lot more than
that. I’d also like to honor their
spouses and dependants as well as the many civilians who work for the U.S.
military past and present. This is a
common effort and we have the common cause of keeping America free.

I lived much of my life in that post-WWII Cold War setting,
with air raid drills, the fear of atomic destruction, the terrorists funded by
our enemies, the constant strain of being in an undeclared war. There was a bit of an added dimension because
I grew up as a military dependant, mostly overseas. I was pretty much like everybody else who was a dependant
overseas in those days. At the time, it
didn’t seem terribly abnormal.
Many years later, I joined the Air Force and I was stationed
in Germany. The last time I was there
it was as a dependant. It came to pass
that East Germany fell
apart and as it collapsed, so did the dreaded Berlin Wall. You know, the one they shot you for trying
to climb over, under or through. In
fact my landlord climbed over that same wall as a 16 year old youth in the
1960s, leaving behind a life, family, and incidentally the tyranny of the DDR.
I was stationed at a base that is now closed, which is a
good legacy of the peace that followed.
The guys down the hall were combat controllers and generally out for a
bit of fun. A couple of them just
happened to be in Berlin on leave when the first section fell. A big corner broke off and just lay
there. Well they grabbed it up and
tossed it into their van. Ironically,
they were chased by West German police, because that chunk of concrete still
officially belonged to the East German government and it must be returned. The Berlin Wall was actually completely in
East Germany and so DDR property. It
was there to keep East Germans in rather to keep anybody out.
They escaped with their prize and when they came to the
office, they triumphantly handed out section chipped off that corner to all and
sundry. Actually the whole thing as
still up in the air, the DDR still existed, kinda, and the USSR was still
around, but not sure what to do when East Germany just fell apart. The Cold War wasn’t officially ended, but
you could see it from here.
Soon the flea markets were full of East German flags and
uniform, and followed by Soviet gear left behind by the soldiers of the USSR,
who were peacefully returning home.
Somehow, buying your Soviet or East German Flag at a flea market was a
lot better than taking it from a bombed out building or off of a corpse. Often the items could be purchased directly
from an ex-East German or Soviet who decided to say in Germany – besides, they
needed the cash.

For those who fought the hot wars, the proxy wars, the wars
in strange places, the secret wars, fought the terrorists, for those who were
there to just show the flag on land, sea and air, I salute you. I also salute you out there who are still
standing tall, fighting physically and mentally the enemies of freedom. For you spouses and dependants, for you old
vets and you young guys just in, thanks a lot. For those who died yesterday or 50 years, 100 years or 200 plus
years ago, I hope we won’t let you down.
I choose to “celebrate” Veteran’s Day quietly with no flag
waving, but just quiet contemplation.
I’ll open up that box of memories and take out that Soviet flag and that
East German flag and think how cheaply in blood they were bought. I’ll open up a box of photos of my father
from WWI, Korea, and Vietnam and think it’s too bad he passed away a little
before the end of Cold War. He was also
at the Pentagon and SAC, so he saw the big picture. Maybe I’ll just have a beer and think how it’s forbidden in some
countries and look at my books and think about how most of them are forbidden
as well. Enough somber thoughts. Remember that your brain is your most
powerful weapon.
Since this is a SF & F blog, here are a few books of
speculative fiction and SF that you might enjoy reading. I’ve read these books and like the each for
a different reason. This only scratches
the surface and doesn’t cover much ground, but these are the first five that I
came up with off the top of my head.
Happy reading. CoastConFan
The Man in the
High Castle, 1962, Phillip K. Dick
Europe Central,
2005, William Vollman
Nineteen Eighty-Four,
1949, George Orwell
1992, Robert Harris
The Iron Dream,
1972, Norman Spinrad
Links of Interest
It’s not much but some restaurants are offering free meals
for active duty members as well as veterans.
Click on the link to find out more:
UPDATE Dec 2014
I recently saw the 2006 German language film about the dark
days of the DDR, Das Leben der Anderen,
(The Lives of Others) about a Stasi
operative who becomes entangled in the passions of playwright while spying on
him. I’ve got to say that I was
impressed with the film and I’ll have to locate a copy of the book in English.
On the lighter side of East Germany is the comedy film about
an East German man who was in a coma for years only to awaken after the Berlin
Wall has come down and the two Germanys have been reunited. Good Bye, Lenin!
(2003), is a chuckle, but you really have to know a bit about the old DDR to
get the jokes.
An older comedy film about the DDR, but filmed just before the
Berlin Wall went up in August 1961 is the film, One, Two, Three (1961)
starring of all people Jimmy Cagney. I
saw this one again a few months back on TCM after a long hiatus. It’s not nearly as good as the previous
films nor as good as the excellent Cold War farce, The
Russians Are Coming, The Russians Are Coming (1966), which holds out a bit
of hope during the depths of the cold war.
Then again, The Russians Are Coming doesn’t take place in Berlin, and
there are no East Germans, so it really doesn’t count in this listing.
There’s a lot of movies set in Berlin from the silent era to
the present, and you can find a list here: