A homage to metafiction and unreliable narrators in the form
of fictional books.

I would like to challenge the blog reader to make their own
list and make suggestions to add to this list.
I hope that this list will spur you to research and read or watch the
stories that these glorious fakes have supported. Many of these are books or guides that can be helpful or harmful
to the reader. I have provided links to
get people exploring around if they haven’t read or seen that particular
story. They are pretty much in order as
I thought them up – that is to say, in random order, kinda.

Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy (Hitchhikers Guide series) A handy handbook for galactic
travelers and hitchhikers. It is a
hilarious series of books (and one mediocre move). Don’t forget your towel.

The Necronomicon (H. P. Lovecraft’s Cthulhu Mythos) Supposedly the Necronomicon exists in several editions in
several languages, written by the mad Arab, Abdul Al Hazarad about his
experiences and travels in several dimensions and dealings with strange
creatures and sentient beings.

Tobin’s Spirit Guide (from the movie Ghost Busters) A helpful book that listed types of ghosts
and spirits for the investigators. Tobin's Spirit Guide is mentioned several times in the movie, but doesn’t hold a candle to the real
spirit guide, Mr. Boston’s which I have often consulted over the years.
The Theory and Practice of Oligarchical Collectivism, more
commonly known as The Book, by Emmanuel Goldstein (from the George Orwell’s
book Nineteen Eighty-Four). It is a
clandestine volume circulated secretly as a plot against Big Brother. Remember we have always been enemies of
Oceania … no wait, ... friends, wait … darn, the teleprompter broke.
The King in Yellow (from a series of stories by Robert W.
Chambers, one of which is The King in Yellow).
This is a book with a play of
the same name that drives the reader to madness. These stories had influence on a young H. P. Lovecraft.
Encyclopedia Galactica
(Issac Asimov’s Foundation series) It is the sum of all knowledge in an attempt to shorted a galactic dark age. The Encyclopedia Galactica and the
Encyclopedia Foundation set up to author the book are the centerpieces of a
series of books that are set in the far future.
A First Encyclopedia of Tlön (Jeorg Luis Borges from the book Tlön, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius) This might be a obscure reference, but I
highly recommend Collected Fictions, which contains this and other stories as a
one-stop-shop for a huge chunk Borges’ fantastic short fiction stories of
magical realism. He also has several
other interlocking fictional books referenced such as The Garden of Forking
Paths, a poem by Ts'ui Pen, but now I am cheating by citing two references.
The Grasshopper Lies Heavy by Hawthorne Abendsen (from
Phillip K. Dick’s Man in the High Castle).
A book supposedly written by using the I Ching. The Man in the High Castle takes place in a
parallel universe where the Allies lost WWII and the US is occupied by the
Germans and the Japanese. It’s always
been one of my favorite because it muses about authenticity and reality. If that doesn't tempt you, the read the linked analysis: http://www.nineroses.com/pkd/tmithcnf.html
Thus endeth my List of Twelve. What got me on the subject is that an original copy of
Schindler’s List (one of four is on sale on eBay for $3 million, which I looked
over with an eye to spotting a possible fake with my interest in props such as
featured on Propnomicon. But this got
me thinking of the fake Hitler Diaries that were “discovered”, put up for sale
in 1983 and then shown to be a fraud.
Now follow me if you can, that got me on the subject of fictional books,
and The Junior Woodchuck Guide jumped to mind followed quickly by The
Enchiridon and the Necronomicon. The
rest just followed. This pretty much ends
my quick view of 12 fictional books referenced in books of fiction, although I
got by with a few cheats and multiple references. Of course being your unreliable narrator, I might be lying too.

Other links of interest on fictional books in books of
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Musaeum_Clausum The great granddaddy of fake works published
first in 1684. This was my find of the
day, whoopee!
Digression: That
leads us to fictional autobiographies, but that is another story, but I leave
you with two that stand out in my mind:
Robert Graves’ novel I, Claudius is written as a recently-discovered
autobiography penned by the late Emperor himself. Also along that line are the George Macdonald Fraser’s Harry Flashman books, supposedly written by the great man himself.
The dark and eldritch origins of the Junior Woodchucks.