The Kaiser Wilhelm, which set trends which others struggled to attain or surpass.
Yesterday was the 100th anniversary of the tragic sinking of the RMS Titanic. It’s a story pretty well known to most people so the Titanic link will fill in anybody who doesn’t know the story. A lesser-known story is that the Titanic and others were created to steal the glory from the Germans with their fast luxury ships and near-decade of domination of the Atlantic speed record.
Set the Wayback Machine and jump back to 1897 and the launching of the Kaiser Wilhelm der Große a ship of the Norddeutscher Lloyd Line, the first of the Kaiser class ships. It had a several firsts that the other liners envied and copied. For example, it was the first liner to have four funnels. Since the steam driven Victorians seemed to equate smokestacks with power, the Kaiser Wilhelm sported four, more than anybody else and set a new trend. Never mind that two of the smoke stacks were unnecessary, it’s on the same principal as having a noisy muffler on a car: it must be fast, look at all the noise it makes. By the way, the Titanic also had four funnels, only one of which was fake, keeping to the trend of more smokestacks make for a faster, more powerful and safer ship as well as keeping up appearances.

When war was declared in August of 1914, the Kaiser Wilhelm was set up as a weapon of war, rather than a pleasure vessel. It was armed with six four-inch guns and two 37mm cannon and painted in military black & gray. With its speed and range, it was a perfect commerce raider. Captain Max Reymann of the Imperial German Navy, commanded the war vessel and conducted himself with all the rules of Victorian chivalry. The Kaiser Wilhelm sank three ships in short order, but the crews were allowed to escape before being sunk. In fact, Capt Reymann came across two enemy liners, but declined to sink them because of the large number of women and children aboard the vessels.

Accounts vary greatly about the Battle of Rio del Oro. The Kaiser Wilhelm soon exhausted her scanty ammunition and Captain Reymann ordered the Kaiser Wilhelm destroyed rather than surrender. After the crew abandoned ship, pre-placed scuttling explosives were set off, blowing a hole in the side of the ship and it capsized quickly and sank. Conversely, the British record indicated that the Kaiser Wilhelm had been badly damaged in battle with the HMS Highflyer, when it was abandoned by the crew. Nobody has yet sorted out which story is true, but clearly the Kaiser Wilhelm had little armor and we know that they were nearly out of ammunition when they entered battle. The HMS Highflyer was an armored warship with more guns as well as having torpedo tubes.
Captain Reymann swam to shore and in disguise worked as a common stoker on a neutral ship and made his way back to Germany. I did a good deal of on line research but could not find much further information about Capt Max Reymann. On a list of Chef des Stabs of the Marinestations, Kapitän zur See Max Reymann (26 Sep 1919-16 Mar 1920) is listed but nothing more. The Kaiser Wilhelm lay on the bottom until 1952 when it was salvaged and broken up for scrap, taking away any evidence and chance of determining the true end of the ocean liner and commerce raider.

Other useful links:
Collecting hat tallies
Early radio
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